Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

5, New map products and related design criteria are be- 
ing studied. These include photo- and picto-maps, computer 
generated maps and CRT displays. 
In terms of serious research in photogrammetry, the ob- 
servation of this author is #hat the world passed through 
an age of INOCENCE upto the 1950s, when the word research 
was considered in an aura of fancy. Only the very interes- 
ted or the most privileged could indulge themselves into 
the inquiry of the science-technology and revel in their 
own revelations. The seriousness and in-depth research we- 
re performed during the next age - ihe age of HONEYMOON, 
when in most countries /more so in the Western countries/ 
research funds were abundantly available, the governments 
were seriously encouraging research in view of the socio- 
political needs and space explorations. Resently, during 
the mid 1970's, an age of MATURITY has set in. While the 
various organizations recognize the need for research, 
trifle involvements are being minimized. There is a strong 
competition for research money and spots on the market for 
the product. The evils of the “Honeymoon” period is very 
much on us and people must be careful in their approaches. 
These evils are primarily in three forms: 
a. Over-publication, in the form of she same thing being 
reported in slightly /or not at all/ modified versions, 
through numerous media and sources. This creates consi- 
derable confusion and screening job for the user of the 
product of such research. 
b. Conference Writings, often giving an air of research 
and thus creating confusion. The other type of confe- 
rence writing involves preparation of research propo- 
sals and their explanations by lutiple parties in com- 
petition with each other for one research grant /when 
only one party receives the grant/ - thus creating an 
abundance of wasted efforts by numerous capable rese- 
arch hands. 
c. Needless Purchases. With complications in technology in 
the world, this is unavoidable. In a society of abun- 

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