Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

Obtain Zz Get facts, Obtain information, | What is it ? 
background H Find costs Work on specifics What cost ? 
Define 2 3 Interpret func | Divide prob. into What is its 
functions E Determine functional areas function & 
H worth value ? 
Generate Challenge, Innovate, Defer What else 
ideas Enquire, judgement could work? 
Investigate: Investigate newer What else 
Sponsors techniques could do 
2 Suppliers the job ? 
Em Consultants 
<< 0 
55 Compare: Develop new ideas Anv other 
am Methods and techniques E EON 2 
7 Products : 
Develop Utilize Teamwork What cost ? 
Evaluate Evaluate: Evaluate functional 
basics 5 Basic func. areas What ideas 
Hw by analysis will perform 
> he f «2 
Evaluate d = Put money Refine, analyze Cue func 
new info. = value on cost, time, 
ideas quality 
List best Extract data Use best human 
information| Z relationship 
and ideas Fi 
< f= ; ; ; 
Synthesize | 52 Finalize solutions 
= m Motivate 
Document = workers Document for final 
Figure 3 : Methodology in the VE Approach 
Cost factors 
l. Level of use 
: This establishes the number of sub levels included 
in the cost. The higher the level the greater is the tendency for lower 
cost not to be detailed and greater is the chance for omission of factors 
in cost analyses. 
tions being smaller, this is not a very important factor. 
2. Inheritance : 
With most non-topographic applications, the organiza- 
In considering the cost of a new working system, the 
equipment already available, the number and proficiency of the skilled 
persons available, etc. will have a large effect, since all requirements 
beyond what is available is charged to the new system. 
a decision is to be taken between adopting analog or analytical techniques, 
For example, if

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