— to initiate a programme for the collection and statistical processing of data
required for the establishment of actual cost models.
The subsequent paragraphs of this paper will present a first analysis of
the problem as a basis for further discussion and elaboration.
2 Cost Models
In the first instance cost models, as desired for the purposes mentioned
above, can generally be defined as the functional relationships between the cost
per production unit of any of the different sub-processes of a total production
process (e.g. cost per line km of aerial photography, cost of aerial triangulation
per model, cost of stereoplotting per km? etc) and the large number of factors
which influence the production.
These cost models are, on the one hand, a function of what will be called
Basic Cost Standards being personnel - costs/time unit, equipment/costs/time -
unit, and material costs/unit; and on the other hand a function of what will be
called Production Standards, these being the statistically derived data concern-
ing personnel and equipment-time required to realise a certain production unit,
including the materials thereby required (see figure 1).
basic cost standards
personnel costs/time unit
equipment costs/time unit
material costs/unit
cost models
cost/prod unit
production standards
required personnel times/prod unit
required equipment times/prod unit
required materials/prod unit
figure 1 relation between cost models, basic cost standards and production standards