If particular items of equipment are used in a single process only, it
might often be more convenient to derive the equipment cost standards in
terms of production units of the relevant process. An example is the use of a
stereocomparator for analytical aerial triangulation, the equipment costs per
stereomodel being obtained by dividing the annual stereocomparator costs by
the estimate of the number of models triangulated per annum.
It is, of course, not necessary to determine cost standards for all
available items of equipment and it is often more convenient to add the
equipment costs of the smaller items, which are only used incidentally, to
the general overhead costs of the relevant production centre and thus include
them in the personnel cost standards. Typical examples of these smaller items
are drafting kits, stereoscopes, photo lab equipment, etc.
3.4 Establishment of Personnel Cost Standards
Personnel cost standards are derived in much the same way as equip-
ment cost standards, with this restriction, that they are only established for
staff directly involved in production (ie operators, field surveyors, draftsmen,
etc, but not supervisors and managers). In certain circumstances it might even
be appropriate to establish several classes of these cost standards, so that
distinctions can be made according to the skill and seniority of the staff
employed. Care must again be taken in the estimation of the number of
effective hours worked per year. Factord to be considered include time lost
due to leave, sickness, training periods, idling, etc.
3.5 Material Costs
A major portion of the costs of the materials used can be charged
directly to the product and will thus bypass the production centres. Actual
purchase costs, including costs for transport and taxes, have to be marked up
by a factor to account for internal handling, storage, loss of interest, and
3.6 External Services
Depending on the nature of these services, these costs will either be
charged direct to the appropriate product, or, as is the more usual case,
assigned to one of the cost centres.