Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

or Training Centres that are on the top. 
Let us first present some basic information concerning 
the contents of the mentioned subjects. A student knowing 
well the elementary problems of aerial picture geometry, 
the bases of producing the aerial photographs and proces- 
sing the images, the technology of photographic materials, 
has good presumptions to master the mentioned subjects. He 
ought to have elementary knowledge of reading ~ interpre- 
ting the aerials photographs and to be acquakinted with 
the fundaments of photogrammetry to be able to take use of 
simple methods and simple photogrammetric instruments for 
his work. 
As the Remote Sensing is concerned, the student should 
complete his elementary knowledge with basic information 
of the scanning systems. He cannot omit som knowledge from 
electronics and technique of communication, he ought to 
have necessary knowledge in physics and — as it has been 
found recently — good cognisance of mathematics and infor- 
mation theory as well, 
How a normal student will be able to master all the re- 
quirements? It will take surély a long time — if the requi- 
red stage of development will be achieved at all — when the 
courses lasting several terms and directed especially to 
the Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing will be arran- 
ged. It is rather probable that the instruction in those 
subjects will be a part of courses in a certain branch at 
the Technical Universities and will be based — similarly 
like other subjects of that branoh - on the previous know- 
ledge of the students. As far as the subject will be not 
given a satisfactory number of lectures and practical les- 
sons, the knowledge of the students will get less or more 
passive. Certainly greater succes can be axpected with the 
Post-Graduate course of study. Secondary sohool with tech- 
nical direction or education of high sohool level is pre- 
conditioned for a course like that. It enables to make the 
study more exacting and to extend the syllabus of the stu- 
dy programme. The process of teaching may also advance mo- 
re rapidly. : 

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