of various forms may require several different types of
reduction before presentation for the evaluation. The fi-
nal form of the data is another important consideration.
Especially, for computer uses, a digital listing is the
Certainly a very important aspect of any reduction pro-
gram is the eonsideration of the flow of information.This
area includes the planning of handling from receiving sta-
tions to the processing centre and its facilities and then
to the final user. Research is conducted in the whole tech
nological flow of information.
The most important investigations are: /1/ on board
processing, and image data compression using different
transformations /i.e.: Fast Fourier, Hadamard/; /2/ hard-
vare development and modification; /3/ to overcome the fu-
ture data overload, system requirements — including data
relay satellites - are investigated.
The rapid rise in the use of remote sensors has crea-
ted a continuously increasing problem of a data overload
which is entirely beyond the capabilities of human manipu-
lation. As an example, about 80% of the data generated by
spaceborne remote sensors are not used. Sophisticated com-
puter interpretation techniques are considered as a possi-
ble solution to this problem, however, no algorithm exists
for the time being, which is capable of entirely deserib-
ing intelligent human benaviour. To optimize the advanta-
ges and shortcomings of man and machine, recent researches
are oriented to create complex in*eractive systems for ima-
ge analysis. Such systems involve real-time decision ma-
king with man as an essential part of the system. Although
many problems are encountered in designing a multifunc -
tion system, they will not be considered in detail since
they exceed the scope of this paper The major problems
are related to the four phases of the evaluation process
of a remote sensing system:/1/ definition of the objec-
tive; /2/ ground data collection; /3/ statistical test