New and promising deposits of iron, bauxite, cassi-
terite and manganese have been identified, and more than two hundred
sites are being pointed out for more detailed investigation aiming
the discovery of mineral deposits of Beryl, Ceasium, Copper, Columbi
te, Chromium, Diamond, Diatomite, Fvaporites, Gold, Limestone, Moly-
bdenum, Niobium, Nickel, Petroleum, Platinum, Tantalum, Tin, Titani-
um, Topaz, Thorium, Tungstene, Uranium, Vanadium, Zinc and Zircone.
From now on it will be only necessary to intensify the research in -
order to estimate the viability of their economic exploitation.
For the first time the real qualitative and quanti-
tative value of the soils in the Amazon Region is known, as well as
their capacities.
The acquisition and analyses cf thousands of samples
allow the experts to divide large spots of good soil in zones for va-
rious kinds.of crops. It is now required to intensify the research --
already started, in order to point out the proper type of crop for
each class of soil. Amazon is not presently the cellar of the world
but 1s capable to become one of the largest food suppliers for the
inhabitants of the Earth, furnishing them with the basic nurishments.
And plantation can be done in a rational way so that good results can
be obteined without any risk for the ecosystems equilibrium.
Man should be regarded as the construtor of the lan-
dscape and not as 1ts destroyer; having this in mind, and not forge-
thing several examples of Nature degradation as a result of the in-
tensive exploitation of natural resources in large areas of the Earth,
more than 45% of the mapped area in the Amazon Region is being sugges
ted to be retained for protecting the ecosystem either in view of ve-
getal and animal specics there encountered and known as being vanished
in the rest of the world, or because an area is recognized as of ins-
table equilibrium, or yet because the area should be preserved for -
touristic purposes, or still to provide cientific research, or final-
ly because its development is prohibited by law.
It is absolutely necessary to control, from now on,
the proper use of the land, forbiding the primitive practice of mana-
gement by the use of fire, to clean the area, and the wrong policy of
exposing the soils to the erosion phenomena.