It is known that the relief forms are considered as eco-
nomically profitable when they are being used for human acti
vities. As this is generally not the case in the Amazon Re-
gion, the RADAM geomorphologic maps try to point out the a-
reas potencially capable to become valuable when especific -
projects are implanted.
- Flat areas (with a weak rate of erosion) have been separa-
ted from dissecated areas (with a strong rate of erosion).
- In flattened areas, it was investigated whether the geologic
structure was affected and whether mineral resources could
be there encoutered. or not,
- Fluvial plains were defined as to their nature so that those
always flooded or occasionally overflown, could be detatched
From firm ground.
- In flat areas the nature of flattening was investigated ai-
ming to recognize minerals resistant to erosion and where
they might be acumulated.
- Topographic features and flood conditions have been delinea
ted for roads design effect.
The team of Geomorphology, in a tentative to exchange infor
mation and results of their investigations, promoted an in-
tegration with the Geomorphology Committee of the American
States Organization in charge of preparing the Geomorpholo-
gic Map of South America.
With the same objetive, this team contacted the Centre
de Geographie Appliquée de L'Université de Strasbourg and
stablished a joint venture working program, since that Uni-
versity maintains an experimental laboratory for the inter-
pretation of RADAR images.