Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

nal use and a Modern Management is applied, involving the use of 
fertilizers and amendments. 
Large spots of natural parture have been surprisingly en- 
countered in Amazonia and cattle raising is becoming a very pro- 
fitabie activity as no fertilization or lime correction is requi 
Significant spots of good soils were found -in-Alenguer, - 
Monte Alegre and Altamira, promising to become important centers 
of agriculture development, as their use is not hindered by cli- 
mate, topography or drainage. 
Flood plains along the Amazon river and its tributaries - 
are much larger than it was assumed and also could become highiy 
productive areas in view of their natural fertility. 
The table presented in the next page is a synopsis of.the 
results obtained by the Soil Science~Team in the areas already - 
Besides the above mentioned activities developed by the 
Soil cientists, they are performing the following other relevant 
- "Intensive training courses in Soils Exploratory Survey and Land 
Management by RADAR imagery interpretation. 
- Advice to the road designers to avoid swamps, marshes and lar- 
ge spots of sandy soils, waterlogging practically all year -- 
--Dontribuition to the "World Map of Soils" being prepared under 
the coordination of F.A.0. 

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