tions special Funds for executing a four years project for eO
strenghening the survey Department Topographical Division.
The existing 1:25 000 reconnaissance maps have no proper to-
pography and in addition the limited 1:100 000 map coverage
around Khartoum is very poor for the study or planning of
development projects Developing the professional capability
to produce a multipurpose 1:100 000 map series on a regular
and accurate basis through the improvement of technical and
metodological procedures, has been the main objective of the
UNDP project which decided to extend the photogrammetric ac-
tivities until June 1976.
Tor the aerial survey in 1975 the old Dakota Air Craff
was repleced by the Twin Otter Plane from Canada. The com-
puterized Block Adjustment using the Elliott 803 Khartoum eo
University introduced in 1971 has vastly improved the speed
of obtaining Photogrammetrio coordinates vhich had previo-
n8ly been determined from Zarzyoki's Graphical Adjustment
Method. Map Compilation has been introduced using Wild A 10
autograph for the independent Model triangulation and Wild
instrument for plotting.
The Photogrammetric section has become more organized
and its primary work has been the compilation of the 1:100 000
national mapping series for Sudan which 1s covered by 920
sheets, each 30° square at this scale. The mapping priori-
ties have been governed by the trigonommetric network's
existence, the availability of suitable photocoverage, and o
various departments requests.
Thailand /Gen. Phayon Phumhiran/
The progress of photogrammetry during the 1971-1975 pe-
riod in the field of aerial mapping vas performed at the
Royal Thai Survey Department and other Governmental Units.
At the Survey Department the aerial mapping projects was
conducted for 1:25 000 scale topographic maps, totalling
129 sheets and for 1:20 000 and 1:12 500 scale city map,
totalling 21 sheets. For several projects the other Units
carried out 959 sheets of photo-maps at the scale 1:4000
and topographic maps at the scale 1:10 000 as well as ot-
her photogrammetric measurements using over 400 models and |
more than 200 rectified photos. o
four Y
and f
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