Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

We believe we are not being too optinisc if we state that 
the use of Remote Sensing Technique in the Survey and Inventory of 
Natural Resources is not an expectancy anymore but has already  de- 
monstrated to be an unquestionable reality. 
The projects discussed in this Report seems to be suffici- 
ent to prouve that Remote Sensing in Brazil is actually being  ap- 
plied in an effective, extensive and comprehensive way. 
Geology and Mineral Resources, Pedology and Soils Resour- 
ces, Phytoecology and Forest Resources, Oceanography and Marine Re- 
sources are some of the fields in which remote sensors are being ap 
plied with success. 
In view of such positive results we are encouraged to 
suggest that other developing countries, placed into the Tropical - 
Zone, try the use of these probes in the Survey and Inventory. of 
their Natural Resources and we will be glad to exchange information 
on the performance of this or that sensor from an airborne or a spa 
ceborne platform. 
The Brazilian Society of Cartography and in particular the 
Members of this Working Group VII-4, are gratefully indebted to 
Dr. Sayn-Wittgenstein and Dr. Aldred, respectively President and Se- 
cretary of Commission VII, for the kind invitation address to Brazil 
to undertake the responsibility for such W.G. on the "Inventory of 
Natural Resources in the Tropical Region”. 
Special acknowlegement is also due to: 
- Dr. Antonio Luiz S. de Aimeida 
- Dr. Otton Bittencourt Netto from the RADAMBRASIL 
- Dr. Celio L. Macedo PROJECT. 
- Adm?i Joico B. Machado from IN PE 
- Dr. Rene Novaes 

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