Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

Kalensky, Z. 1974. ERTS thematic map from multidate digital images. Pro- 
ceedings: International Society for Photogrammetry. Symposium on Remote 
Sensing and Photo Interpretation, Oct. 7-11, 1974, Banff, Alta: 767-785. 
Kerbes, R.H. and H.D. Moore. 1975. Use of current satellite imagery to predict 
the nesting success of lesser snow geese. Proceedings: Workshop on Remote 
Sensing of Wildlife, Nov. 18-20, 1975, Quebec, Canada. 
Klemas, V., D. Bartlett and R. Rogers. 1975. Coastal zone classification from 
satellite imagery. Photogramm. Eng. and Remote Sensing 41(4):499-513. 
Meyer, M.P., H. Cosgriffe, F.T. Batson, B.H. Gerling and J.A. Brass. 1974. 
Montana public land resource management applications of remote sensing. 
Proceedings: International Society for Photogrammetry. Symposium on 
Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation, Oct. 7-11, 1974, Banff, Alta: 5-15. 
Meyer, M.P. 1975. 55 mm aerial photography applications to wildlife population 
and habitat analysis. Proceedings: Workshop on Remote Sensing of Wildlife, 
Nov. 18-20, 1975, Quebec, Canada. 
Milne, A. 1959. The centric systematic area-sample treated as a random sample. 
Biometrics 15(2):270-297. 
Moore,W.C. 1974a. Tornado damage to forests: Sudbury, Ontario. Canadian 
Surveyor 28(2):126-127. 
Murtha, P.A. 1972a. A guide to air photo interpretation of forest damage in 
Canada. Canadian Forestry Service Publ. No. 1292, 65 p. 
Murtha, P.A. . 1972b. 50, damage delineation of high altitide photographs. 
Proceedings: First Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Feb. 7-9, 1972, 
Ottawa, Canada, Vol. 1:71-82. 
Murtha, P.A. 1973. ERTS records 350, fume damage to forests, Wawa, Ontario. 
For. Chron. 49(6):251-252. 
Murtha, P.A. 1974. Interpretation of vegetation damage, extensively managed 
lands. Proceedings: International Society for Photogrammetry. Symposium 
on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation, Oct. 7-11, 1974, Banff, Alta: 
Nielsen, U. 1974. Large-scale aerial photography applied to forest inventories. 
Paper presented to Meeting of First Panamerican and Third National Con- 
gress of Photogrammetry, Photo Interpretation and Geodesy, July 7-12, 1974, 
Mexico City, Mexico. 
Park, A.B. 1975. The piercing eye. Ceres 8(1):38-42. 
Reeves, H.M., R.E. Munro and A.D. Marmelstein. 1975. USFW activities in 
application of satellite imagery to goose management. Proceedings: 
Workshop on Remote sensing of Wildlife, Nov. 18-20, 1975, Quebec, Canada. 
Reinking, Roger F., Larry A. Mathews and Pierre St. Amand. 1975. Dust storms 
due to the dessication of Owens Lake. Proceedings: International Con- 
ference on Environmental Sensing and Assessment, Sept. 14-19, 1975, Las 
Vegas, Nevada. Paper No. 37-4. 
Robinove, C.J. 1975. Disaster assessment and warning with Landsats. Pro- 
ceedings: Tenth International Symposium of Remote Sensing of Environment, 
Oct. 6-10, 1975, Ann Arbor Michigan. (In press). 
Rosetti, C.H. 1971. Low aerial photography for desert locust surveying. Food and 
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Report AGP:DL/DLC 
171/17, 18 p. 
Scarpace, F.L., R.E. Wade and L.T. Fisher. 1974. The use of ERTS imagery for 
lake classification. Proceedings: International Society for Photogrammetry. 
Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation, Oct. 7-11, 1974, 
Banff, Alta: 259-271. 

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