Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

Use of Aerial Photography by 12 Municipalities in the Netherlands with 
90,000 - 200,000 Population 
Application Number of Municipalities using this Application 
1 2 denda wA S53 67 
Survey and/or Assessment } ; | ) 
Utilisation of City Block (2) 
enclosed areas 
Height measurements with 
Parallax Bar (2) 
of Public Green CO WENDEN NEAN 
Model Building (7) t 
Ad Hoc use for 
City Planning (7) | MES 
P.R. use (expositions etc) (5) | SEEN 
Illegal construction (4) eT | ) | 
Base Map Production DN 0 $1. 
Base Map Updating (4 annnm 
Photomaps DENDO 0 0|) 
Design Base for Planners (4) | mu 
Parking Survey 3) — 5 
Residential Densities (2) | 
Maps for Roof Patterns RES 11 1 1 11| 
Landscape Conservation (2) | 
Expropriation (2) 
Mentioned only by one Municipality: 
Traffic Survey, Conservation of Monuments, Illegal Refuse, 
Industrial Landuse Ratios, Real Estate Tax, Vacant Land Survey, 
figure 1 

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