Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

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R.J. COLLINS, G.J. PETZEL, J.R. EVERETT, 1975, An evaluation of ERTS data for 
petroleum exploration, Symp. on Remote Sensing, A case History Research Confe- 
rence ; Space Techn. Center, Lawrence, Kansas, Feb. 18-20. 
R. DILLMAN, R. VINCENT, 1974, Unsupervised mapping of geologic feature and soils 
in California, 9th Int. Symp. on Rem. Sens. of Environ., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 
April 15-19. 
L. DUPLAN, 1973, Les grands linéaments de la France, Compte rendu Acad. des 
Sciences, t. 276, 28 mai, pp. 2947-2949 , Paris. 
J.R. EAGLEMAN, W.C. LINN, 1975, Soil moisture detection from Skylab, NASA Earth 
Res. Surv. Synp., LSJC, pp. 2233-2242, 
P. EMBREE, J.P. BURG, M. BACKUS, 1963, Wide band velocity-filtering the pie- 
slice process, Geophysics, XXVIII, 6, pp. 948-974. 
J.P. FAIL, G. GRAU, 1963, Les filtres en éventail, Geophysical Prospecting, XI, 
2. pp. 131-163. 
J. MC. FARLAND, 1975, The correlation of Skylab L band brightness temperature 
with antecedent precipitation, NASA Earth Res. Surv. Symp., LSJC, p. 2243. 
A. FONTANEL, C. BLANCHET, C. LALLEMAND, 1975, Enhancement of Landsat imagery 
by combination of multispectral classification and principal component analysis, 
NASA Proc. Earth Res. Surv. Symp., Houston, Texas, June, pp. 291-1012. 
A.F.H. GOETZ, L.C. ROWAN, 1975, IEEE Conf. on Decision and control, Houston, 
Application of ERTS images and image processing to regional geologic problems 
and geologic mapping in Northern Arizona. J.P.L. Technical report 32-1597, 
May 15, 188 p. 
A.F.H. GOETZ, M.J. ABRAMS, B.S.SIEGAL, 1975, A comparison of ERTS and Skylab 
multispectral data for reconnaissance geologic mapping, EOS, 56, 346. 
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