Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

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M. GUY, 1973, First ERTS-I results in Southeastern France, Symp. on Sign. 
Results from ERTS-I, NASA, GSFC, vol. I,pp. 1492-1500. 
R.H. HARALICK, It'shak DINSTEIN, 1975, A spatial clustering procedure for multi- 
image data, IEEE Trans. on circuits and systems, n° 5, May, PP- 440-450. 
R.A. HODGSON, 1975, Application of remote sensing in regional fracture analysis 
and the impact of results on theories of global crustal deformation ; Symp. on 
Remote Sensing, A case history research conf., Space techn. Center, Lawrence, 
Kansas, Feb. 18-20. 
W.A. HOVIS, 1975, Ocean color imagery, Coastal zone color scanner, Nasa Earth 
Res. Surv. Symp., Houston, June, pp. 1989-2004. 
D.A. HUNTLEY, 1975, The application of multispectral scanning systems to oceano- 
graphy, ESRO Report - CR-234. 
A.B. KAHLE, A.R. GILLESPIE, A.F.H. GOETZ, J.D. ADDINGTON, 1975, Thermal inertia 
mapping, presented at x th Int. Symp. on Remote Sens. of Environ®. Ann Arbor, 
oct. 6-10. 
D. LANDGREBE, 1975, Information systems and services and user services, NASA ERTS 
Res. Survey Symp. Houston, June, Summary reports, pp. 29-34. 
G.M. LECHI, M. TINCATI, 1975, Quantitative evaluation of the minimum fresh water 
spring flow in the sea by means of thermal survey, X Symp. on Rem. Sens. Ann 
Arbor, oct. 6-10. 
E. LO GIUDICE, L.M. MARINO, A.M. TONELLI, 1975, Le tecniche di represa all' 
infrarosso termico applicate ai rilievi aeri dell' isola di vulcano, CNR, 
Italia, publicazione n? 138. 
D. W. LEVANDOWSKI, 1975, Application of satellite imagery to reconnaissance of 
mineral exploration, symp. on Remote Sensing, A case history research conf., 
Space techn. Center, Lawrence, Kansas, Feb. 18-20. 

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