Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

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III. Because there is a need to document the economic validity of the 
remote sensing approach, it is recommended that carefully controlled 
economic studies be done under full operational conditions and the 
results should be compared with that of the regular non-remote sensing 
procedure. Of course, it must be realized that both the ground and 
remote sensing methods are not mutually exclusive, but simply complement 
each other. 
IV. It is also recommended that governments accept the economic respon- 
sibility for remote sensing for vegetation damage. 
V. It is recommended that a method be developed to provide detection 
reliability estimates, and guidelines be stated to indicate the level of 
accuracy that is needed for results to be acceptable to the user- 
VI. Because of the present state of the art and debates over which 
procedure is best, it is recommended that a priority of film types and 
photo materials be recognized for interpretation purposes. It is 
suggested that a) results from color-infrared film be accepted before 
results on normal-color film, b) results from original material be 
accepted before results from duplicate materials, and c) results from 
diapositives be accepted before results from paper prints. This priority 
recognizes the need to use given film types in given situations, and is 
designed to eliminate preferential value judgements with respect to 
VII. Finally, it is recommended the studies be done to determine "damage" 
on a more refined basis such as "crop values" lost, rather than a simple 
count of plant numbers lost. 
Sometimes the original objectives of a project are not remem- 
bered, and it should be recalled that the objective of remote sensing 
for vegetation damage is to do the job, using the most feasible method, 
as economically as possible, to produce results that are the most 
socially acceptable, whether it is for an increased environmental quality. 
or increased food production. It is believed that the remote sensing 
technique meets these criteria. Therefore, in our scientific pursuits 
and academic discussion, let us not forget our ultimate objective.

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