lb Physiological: on color photographs, a change in the spectral reflectance
pattern which is usually noted by a change in color of the foliage, or
a measurable density variation in false-color photographs ....... 13
13a Type III Damage: the foliage is another color when it is
compared to normal foliage, on normal-color or false-color
aerial photographs taken during summer ........ ............... 14
14a Normal-color aerial photograph .......... 220000 u0cea0c00u00 15
15a Current foliage yellowing or yellowish .......... ....... 16
16a Conifer ve…no+ 000000000000 2000000000 ces. 000000000004 17
17a Pew branches affected, ,............... Damage Type IIIA
17b All or nearly all branches affected
....... ...0............................ Damage Type IIIB
16b Hardwood .......... eene Pet caet eot es .48
18a Few branches affected..........« eve Damage Type IIIC
18b All or nearly all branches affected
PN N 0 Damage Type IIID
15b Some or all foliage red-brown, brown or turning
brown ....- rotta "puit paper! 0000000000 02000000 0 19
19a Conifer with red-brown foliage ............ ......... 20
20a Current foliage red-brown ..... ........... ee... 21
21a All or nearly all of crown affected ........... 22
22a Red-brown foliage associated with topographical
pattern .......0.02052020.0020 000 Damage Type IIIE
22b Older foliage dark-green, red-brown or
absent .......«* e0..002200002.022 22022202000 23
23a Older foliage dark-green or red-brown.... 24
24a Dark-green old foliage
#02.0 0000004000000 00000002 Damage Type IIIF
24b Red-brown old foliage
000.040 000200000000 020 000 Damage Type IIIG
23b Older foliage absent
«sth en e. .e............Damage Type ILIH
21b Only a few or scattered branches with current
foliage red-brown, or damage concentrated toward
crown top «eese etn s.% 0.000000 02000000000 25
25a Terminal leader or upper crown red-brown
re+v+ewos cc 000000000000 0000000008 Damage Type IIII
25b Lateral branches affected
2000100000 0000000000 00000 0000004 Damage Type IIIJ