20b Older foliage red-brown (current foliage not
Ted-brown) ........000 04.000000 | 206
26a All or nearly all branches affected
...... e +000 000000 000000080000 60000» Dauage Type TTTIK
26b Few branches affected.............. Damage Type IIIL
19b Hardwood with red-brown foliage .......... o rS 27
27a Few branches with red-brown foliage
200000000058 (…................Damage Type IIIM
27b All or nearly all the crown red-brown
....... + 000000008000 80000 e..….. Damage Type IIIN
14b False-color aerial photograph ......... 00.000002 rer 28
28a Foliage of suspect tree a darker or lighter magenta tone
than comparable unaffected tree
Bes av va nse es snes ........ ..................W.Damage Iype 1710
28b Suspect trees not a magenta LONC............0000.008004200+ 29
29a Foliage appears mauve or yellow, if mauve see key item
15a, if yellow see key item 15b.
29b Trees appear blue, blue-green, silvery, which indicates
defoliations. See key item 2a.
13b Type IV Damage: trees show no visible sign of damage, but a
measurable density variation may be made .............. ....... 30
30a Red-filter optical density measurements on original false-color
transparency indicate higher than average optical density for
the affected tree when it is compared with an unaffected tree
when it is compared with an unaffected tree of the same species
in the same photo frame@.........0..0.0.......... Damage Type IVA
30b Red-filter optical density measurements on original false-
color transparencies indicate a lighter than average
density 00000200000 20800000 0002000000 20020000008 Damage Type IVB