involve additional expenses particularly in staff, lecture notes
and publications. But these additional expenses are invest-
ments towards the development of photogrammetry and the break-
down of language barrier in Africa and their cost may be
defrayed by international Organisations with interest in the
development of Africa like the United Nations Economic
Commission for Africa (ECA), the Organisation of African Unity
(OAU) or the proposed Economic Community for West African
States (ECOWAS) when established. Language problems are less
pronounced in the West Indies, Latin American or South East
Asia but the same pattern should apply in the other developing
countries where there are similar language problems.
Students from the developing countries are normally assisted
by fellowships or scholarships by foreign governments to study
in the donor countries. But as emphasis shifts from studying
overseas to studying in local institutions scholarships and
fellowships should be offered in greater numbers by the
advanced developing countries to the less advanced developing
countries for studying in institutions in the developing
countries. The aid giving countries may also continue to
manifest their interest in the developing countries by continuing
to offer fellowships and scholarships for students in the
developing countries to study in local universities and
institutions in the developing countries. The author is aware
that this is already the policy of the governments of some of
the aid giving countries. For example, the Government of
Switzerland is offering fellowships for some African countries
to study at the Regional Centre for Training in Aerial Surveys
at Ile-Ife, Nigeria; the Government of Canada also has a
scheme for offering fellowships to students from the develop-
ing countries to study in other developing countries different
from their own country. It is not unlikely that similar
schemes exist in other developed countries but these schemes
should be publicised either directly to the developing
countries or through such organisations connected with the
developmettof the developing countries like the Economic
Commission for Africa (ECA), Economic Commission for Asia and
the Far East (ECAFE), or Economic Commission for Latin America
(ECLA), the Organisation for African Unity (OAU), the Arab