Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

1921 April,e6. In Switzerland, in Heerbrugg, "Heinrich Wild,Werk- 
statte fur Feinmechanik and Optik" is set upDe 
sfeld gets a patent for his work "automsiic fo- 
July e Á Bauer 
cusing",. The auxiliary optical system (vorsatzsystem),a very 
important element of the SOOO ph, will be used to 
make it. 3 
Us vo Le er,l5. Albrecht Meydenbauer died (born in l924,April, 
30). He was the founder of photogrammetry in Germany. 
For the first time, k.Santonl uses the mechanical reconsiruc- 
tion principle of the space beam to make his plotter - Auto- 
reductor. He was the first man who replaced tne lens, consi- 
dered as the perspective center, by the.center of a cardanic 
xls system. He got the patent in 1920. 
1923 The designing of the first Zeiss Stercoplanigraph, model C 1, 
comes to the end, and now it is made up. 
Stereoautograph, model & l, is made in Wild Heerbrugg, Swi- € ® 
In France, G.Poivilliers designes Stereotopograph, model A. 
after Pfeiffer replaces the optical card jan by the cardanic mirror 
1923 having a measuring mark in Stereoplanigraph, model C 2. 
1924 F.Porro and F.Volla publish their work "La Fotografia Aerea!" 
in Rome. 
t où December, 1924, Brmeneglldo Santoni 
the first Stereocartograph. 
i926 November, The Second Congress of the International Society 
for Photogrammetry 1s held in Berlin. 
R.Hugershoff makes up the Aeroc artograph for which he built 
an important element — the base carriage. 
wild Ster 
eoautograph, model A 2, is manufactured. It ig used, e o 
in the terresurial photogrammetry. It employs sa : 
ing rays,us ing Space rods. lts manufacture will be 
n 19257. for À 5 model. 
System ma 
given u 
The first issue of 'Bildmessung und Lufuüb lldwesen", the of- 
ficial publication of the Gernan Society for Photogramme try 
is published, 
1927 The first Wild serial camera, model C 1, having glass pla- 
tes and interchangeable magazine, is made up. 
The first automated Photorectifier is build. 
Carl Pulfrich died (born in 1358). He is one of the photo- 
gramwmnelry pioneers, the father of the stereophotograunetry, 
constructor of the first Stereocomparabor (1901). 
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