Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

 Bantoni Stereocartograph, model IV, is made up using & 1945, 1 
December patent, : 
Santonl Stereosimplex, madel II, is exhibited in ISP Congress 1 
"held in Hague, . ; 
U,Nistri uses the electric system to transit movements in 
Photomultiplo, for the first time. 
The mechanical triangulation, with stereotemplets, is used 
(for the first time, in the United States). 
Wild Autograph, model A 7, used in 23 x 23 cm photograph 
size 1s manufactured. : J 
Wild RC 7 aerial survey camera is made up. 
The first book regarding the non-topographical uses of the 
- photogrammetry, Otto Lacmann's "Die Photogrammetrie in ihrer 4. 
Anwendung auf nicht-topographischen Gebieten", is published. e e 
Wild Autograph, model A: 8, Às manufactured. 
Zeiss Oberkochen. Stereoplanigraph, model C 7, is manufactu- 
red, : : ä à 1 
With UNESCO assistance, W.Schermerhorn establishes "Interna- 
tional Training Center for Aerial Survey (ITC)" in Delft, 
Netherlands, in order to train high skilled specialists, es- 
pecially for the developing countries. 
A.S,.Skiridov'!s book '"Stereophotogrammetry' is published in 
the Soviet Union, 
September, The Seventh Congress of the International Society: 
for Photogrammetry is held in Washington. 
Zeiss Oberkochen Stereoplanigraph, model C 8, much improved 
is manufactured. 
Zeiss Oberkochen Photorectifier, model SEG V, is made up. e e i 
Wild Aviogon wide angle photogramgetrio lens (115 mm and 152 
mm, l3 x 18 cm and 25 x 25 om, 90°), containin; lo lenses, 
is made up. 
Nistri Photostereograph, model Beta, is exhibited within the 
ISP Congress Exhibition. 
Santoni exhibits his Stereosimplex, model III, within the 
ISP Congress Exhibition. : 
The American Society for Photogrammetry publishes "Manual of 
Photogrammetry", second edition, The earlier edition was pu- 
blished in 1944. 
Ihe British Society for Photogrammetry is established.In the 
beginning of 1974, there will be 560 members, 
March. Photogrammetric Record, the official publication of 
the British Society for Photogrammetry, first issue, is pu- 
blished. e @ i 
H.Schmid establishes the principle of the general analytical 
solution of the aerial triangulation.

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