Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

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1939, 1960 
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July,3l. American Ranger 7 spacecraft takes photographs of 
the Moon's surface (4,516 pictures). 
September,7-19. The Xth Congress of the International Socie- 
ty for Photogrammetry is held in Lisbon. 
Aerial Survey Camera, with plates (192 plate magazine), is 
made in France, having G.Poivilliers' assistance. 
Considering the first achievements in 1955, Wild C 40 and 
C 120 stereometric cameras are designed again, using the mo- 
dern technique, 
Stereomat, model IV, is made up. 
AP/C Analytical Plotter is made up by Ottico Meccanica Ita- 
liana in cooperation with Bendix Corporation (United States), 
having the National Research Council Canada) assistance. | 
Santoni Stereosimplex, model II C, is made up. 
Zeiss Oberkochen Gigas GZ, Orthoprojector is made up, con- 
Sidering Gigas' proposals, : : 
* {+ 
Wild Photorectifier E 4 and Autograph À 40 are éxhibited 
within ISP Congress, held in Lisbon. 
Within the same Congress, SOM Stercoplotter PRESA 224 ,made 
up in France, 1s exhlbited. 
li,B.Seher exhibits Orthophotoseope, model T 64, 
Santonl Stereocartograph, model V, is also exhibited. 
‚16. The Auerican Mariner 4 spacecraft takes the first 
Stereomat, model B.O, is made as a result of cooperation 
between Raytheon and Wild Heerbrugg firms. 
The American Society for Photogrammetry publishes "Manual of 
Photogrammetry" third edition, The former editions-were  pu- 
blished in 1944 and 1952. 
Zeiss Jena Topocart, model B, stereoplotter is made up. 
Pavel Gal'!s book "Fotogramunetria" is published, in Prague. 
The first issue of the review "Buletin de fotogrammetrie" is 
pubiished, in Bucharest. 
G.Lehmann's book "Photogrammetrio" is puplished, in Berlin. 
August,4. Lunar Orbiter 5 takes photographs of the possible 
Moon landing places for the American future manned-spacecrafts. 
Zelss Oberkochen Planimat, model D 2, is made up. 
Zeis Oberkochen Double-Projector DP l is made up. Later on, 
DP 2 and DP 5 come after it. 
March,9. Georges Poivilliers died (born in 1892). Prof.dr.h.c., 
he is known as a constructor of the photogrammetric equipment 
(Stercotopograph, model À/1925, model B/1957, model D/1948 etc) 
and a teacher ,the president of the French Society for Photo- 
YY AE TY xy 

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