Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

bove. : 2:57 
y 3. European Remote Sensing Space Programme : Mission 
Objectives and Measurement Requirements 
ESA/EXBC(77)3, April 1977 
n 2. The Earthnet Programme 
L. Marelli, ESA Bulletin no. 13, May 1978 
r 3. LEDA : Une Banque de Données de l'ESA consacrée 
aux images de la Terre vue de l'Espace 
G.A. Proca, ESA Bulletin no. 13, May 1978 
4. Use of a Metric Camera in Spacelab 
M. Schroeder and G. Konecny 
an ESA SP-134, May 1978 
d S. Sea-State Measurements and Radar Imaging from Spacelab-1 
o. the F. Schlude, M. Kleintz and M, Werner 
gramme ESA SP-134, May 1978 
6. The Earth Observation Programme of the European Space 
the Agency 
D. LennertZz and I. Pryke 
nt ESA SP-134, May 1978 

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