Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

Satellites focusing mainly on sea and coastal zone applications and 
using active and passive microwave type sensors. 
At present coverage of this type of activity is centred on the Seasat-A 
Future Seasat-B and C as well as European satellites and European 
Spacelab experiments provide for continuity and justification of the 
high level of investment necessary for setting up a SAR processing 
capability. The stations of Oakhanger and Maspalomas are planned for 
the above tasks, it being understood that Redu will be used in lieu of 
Oakhanger as soon as the downline freauencies utilised are compatible 
with Belgian allocations and the necessary funding is available. 
Experimental satellites. 
The rapid development of new sensors and the need to experiment both 
with the sensors and the data lead to the consideration of short-lived 
experimental missions without any assured follow-up. Heavy investment 
for handling the data from these experimental satellites cannot be 
justified but a certain low-cost involvement, mainly using existing 
equipment, is necessary in order to acquire the necessary know-how for 
future developments. Earthnet involvement in HCMM and Nimbus-G fits in 
with this conception. The use of the Météorologie Nationale's station 
of Lannion, and possibly of Maspalomas, is envisaged for this purpose. 
Arrangements covering Stations 
The following should be noted with regard to the Earthnet stations: 
Kiruna: The station is procured by the Swedish Space Corporation and 
financed by means of leasing agreements with Swedish banks. In the 
framework of the ESA/SSC contract, the Agency will pay the leasing 
charges (up to an agreed ceiling) but in consequence retain the Arr 
right to. become owner of the equipment at the end of the leasing sic 
period (1983). whc 
Fucino: A somewhat similar solution is being worked out for the act 
Fucino station actually owned by Telespazio. For both the Kiruna acq 
and Fucino stations, the approach is justified in view of the long nor 
term use of these stations for the Landsat satellites and also in 
future for the European remote sensing satellites. 
Oakhanger: The Oakhanger reception station and the Farnborough 
preprocessing facility are existing installations put at the 
disposal of the Agency by the UK Department of Industry for Scasal-A 
reception and preprocessing. The Agency has no intention of becoming 
owner of the non mission specific facilities. Investments foreseen 
refer to Seasat-A specific equipment (SAR data reception and recording 
chain plus software), but mainly for the SAR processing facility. The

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