Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

Agency will remain owner of the equipment which it has paid for. Use 
of the SAR processing facility will not be limited to Seasat-A but 
will extend to other remote sensing missions involving microwave 
sensors operating in the SAR mode, 
d) Lannion: A part of the French National Meteorological Service will 
be used for Nimbus and HCMM data acquisitions; the above principles 
will apply similarly. 
e) Maspalomas: Discussions have been started to include this Spanish 
station into the network (for acquisition of Seasat and Nimbus data). 
(Attachment 2). 
The anticipated Earthnet terms, of reference for the foreseeable future can 
be split into two main categories: new remote sensing missions to be handled 
and higher product standards to be achieved. For both categories the new 
tasks have to be detailed and the necessary anticipated investments be 
1. Future remote sensing missions to be handled by .Earthnet 
The following is a list of missions which appear to fall naturally 
within extended Earthnet terms of reference: 
- Landsat-D (estimated launch 1981) and D' (estimated launch 1984) 
including the Thematic Mapper. 
These satellites would be handled by the Fucino and Kiruna stations. 
- Seasat-B (estimated launch 1982/3) and C (estimated launch 1984/5, 
although not yet formally included in NASA's budget) reception 
stations(s) for these satellites remain to be selected. 
- Microwave experiment on the First Spacelab Payload (end 1980) and 
same on future Spacelab missions. 
- Metric Camera on the FSLP and future Spacelab missions. 
- European remote sensing satellites as from 1984. 
- New US experimental missions such as Stereosat, etc.... 
Continuity of acquisition of Landsat data is of prime importance 
for the development of a strong user community. The users will only

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