Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

l. Gale W. Croon et al. 1968 Infrared scanning for big game 
censusing, J. Wildlife Management 32(4): 751-09. USA. 
2. H.B. Graves et al. 1972 Censusing white-tailed deer 
by airborne thermal infrared imagery. J. Wildlife 
Management. 36(3): 875-84. USA. 
3. Union Carbide/Cryogenic Equipment. 1974. Precautions 
and safe practices/Liquified atmospheric gases. 
Form 9888-N. USA. 
4. Lars Thofelt. 1975 Studies on leaf temperature recorded 
by direct measurement and by thermography. D.Sc. Thesis 
ISBN91-554-0341-7. Institute of Botony, Uppsala University, 
5. J.Niederleitner. 1976. Detecting holdover fires with the 
AGA Thermovision 750 infrared scanner. Report  NOR-X-151. 
Canadian Forestry Research Centre, Edmonton, Alberta, 
6. Rolf A. Larsson. 1976. Preliminary investigation with 
AGA Thermovision 750 for thermal infrared registering 
from light airplanes. Project DR-1080 report. Institute 
for physical geography, Uppsala University, Sweden. 
7. D.Tice and J. Euskirchen. 1976. Faster and more effective 
forest fire surveillance with live IR imaging superimposed 
on visible terrain view. 16th annual IUFRO Congress, Oslo, 
Norway. (Reprinted by AGA Infrared Systems AB, Lidingô, 
8. Anthony P. Pontello. 1978. Thermogramphy: bringing energy 
waste to light. US Dept. of Energy. J. Heating, Piping/Air 
Conditioning, March 78 (8p). 
Dick Tice, BSc, is a graduate of California Polytechnic 
State University (Electronics Engineering, 1951) who 
specializes in airborne infrared imagery applications 
for AGA Infrared Systems AB, Lidingó, Sweden, where 
he has been based since 1968. 
Rolf Larsson, PhD, is a graduate of Uppsala University 
(Physical Geography, 1976) who specializes in flight 
photogrammetry at VIAK AB, an international cartogra- 
phic consultant firm with headquarters in Falun, Sweden. 

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