Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

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FIC 11. 
Thermal images, which the hybrid 
view reveals immediately as those 
al of a herd of farm animals grazing 
nd in & pasture field. Wild animals 
or people in & forest would be al- 
most as visible from the moving 
ie aircraft as the result of the so- 
called 'picket fence' effect on the 
forest canopy. 
FIG 12. 
ice Solar heated powerline: towers, in- 
sulators and conductors seen in the 
hybrid view against the cooler back- 
ground of & damp cultivated field. 
Note the visible conductors extend- 
ing on either side of the thermal 
field of view - used for tracking 
the line during powerline patrols. 
FIG 13. 
; Hybrid view of a petroleum tankfarm, 
2 where the differing levels of contents 
! - are revealed by the thermal image of 
a = each tank. The cooler (= darker) low- 
w= = er portions provide heatsinks which 
= prevent them from being heated as 
= rapidly by the sun as the upper, empty 
; FIG 1h. 
ide A woodchip storage pile belonging 
9 to a paperpulp mill, showing heated 
ng. fissures caused by outgassing from 
rate deep inside where organic oxidation 
'nable is taking place. Similar effects 
be are revealed by hybrid views of 
ight. other kinds of industrial storage 
piles, such as coal and sugarbeets. 
FIG 15. 
A cooling/settling pond near the 
corder same paperpulp mill, with multiple 
rid view outlets from which hot effluent 
etner flows, spreading out along the 
R from surface until meeting adjacent flows. 
ating Using the isotherm function in the 
hybrid view permits the cooling 
gradients of each effluent mass to 
be evaluated.

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