Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

B. Marangelli, N. Mirizzi, A. Valentini 
er. Istituto di Fisica Università di Bari (Italia). 
The growth of applications and uses in the area of automatic 
image analysis and processing is strictly dependent upon the cost 
and flexibility of their related processing systems. 
i The most common techniques in the specific area of display 
bd devices, make wide use of low persistence tubes, and of refreshing 
memories using digital devices. These have the advantage of allo- 
wing a dynamic representation of images and zoom. But in some ap- 
plications a continuous rather than a stepwise zoom is required. 
A continuous zoom facility is available in a false colour 
the display device realised at our laboratory. This device uses an ana- 
EC t logic refreshing memory with an electronic beam (Sean Conversion 
S e Memory) allowing the representation of each image on a normal tele- 
vision screen (i. e. with 625rous). 
The point-by-point writing of the images on the memory can also 
be achieved by reading the information from a low speed disk and 
by providing a D/A conversion. The reading operation can be perfor- 
med in the raster TV format. Moreover it is possible to perform a 
e selective erase of images under program control. 
This display has been provided with a facility which allows 
the use of cursor (or pointer), controlled by an electronic system, 
in order to select from the given image those areas for which a 
more deteiled analysis is required. 
The use of a system of this kind for image display, even 
ter though advantegeous, presents the major problem of requiring a 
inc series of processing functions to be performed on the information 
signal. In other words all the processes involved should take

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