Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

7. Literatur 
FASLER, F.: IBIS (Interaktives Bild - Interpretations - System, 
in: der Einsatz des Computersystems 1976, Institut für Informatik 
der Universitat, Zürich 1977. 
FASLER, F.: IBIS, Referenzkarte zur Kontrollsprache, Geographisches 
Institut der Universität, Zürich 1977. 
NASA: Eros Digital Image Enhancement System, EROS Data Center, 
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 1977. 
NUESCH, D.: Landnutzungsinterpretation mit Hilfe multispektraler 
Abtastverfahren, Juris Druck + Verlag, Zürich 1977. 
PHILLIPS, T.L.(Editor): Larsys Users Manual, Laboratory for 
Applications of Remote Sensing, Purdue University, West 
Laffayette, Indiana 1977. 
STAENZ, K.: Atmosphdrische Korrekturen von Landsat - Daten, 
Juris Druck + Verlag, Zürich 1978 (in Vorbereitung). 
Zürich, 30. Juni 1978 
An increasing demand for the interpretation of various types of multi- 
spectral images made it necessary to develop an image interpretation 
system. Developing a new system had several important advantages over 
adapting an already existing one, because it could be designed to make 
an optimal use of the available computer system and to satisfy the 
special needs of its users as well. The system has a modular structure, 
which makes it easy to add new components or to use a subset only. The 
system can be divided into three parts: 
1. Preprocessing: This includes the transformation of different data 
formats to the one required by the system, selecting and merging of 
images and certain image correction features. 
2. Statistical analysis: Selected samples (training fields) or groups 
Of samples may be analysed and the resulting information can be stored 
for later use in classification programs. 
3. Classification: Classification of images using several different 
methods and the results from the previous step. 
While the first part of the system can be used in batch mode only, parts 
two and three may be used in interactive or in batch mode. 

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