Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

- To assert again the high quality and the obvious necessity of 
a close co-operation between classical photogrammeters and 
experts in remote sensing; 
- To state how much we are delighted to note how well these 
fruitful links are illustrated by this joint meeting of the 
IUFRO and the ISP: if the items of data acquisition and pre- 
processing concern all those who consider photo-interpretation 
and remote sensing as being extremely useful tools and if 
these items are also of a real interest to the classical 
photogrammeters, it could be feared that their applications 
to a lot of sciences make a dispersion of the ISP efforts. 
The specificity of the Research Center managed by Prof.Hilde- 
brandt has brought him to get, with the co-operation of IUFRO, 
the association with a particular applied science. That is a 
very good scientific example for future. According to the 
field of interest of our colleagues who will be in charge of 
Commission VII in 1982, 1986, and so on, - I am looking at 
a long distance ahead - and according to the main topic they 
would have chosen for their symposium, it seems that it would 
be a very good thing to associate in their action the inter- 
national organization on Earth Sciences which would be the 
most concerned with the afore-mentioned topic; 
- Since I am quoting the ISP symposia, to recall they have two 
Scopes: preparing the coming Congress and studying a subject 
of particular interest, in depth, more deeply than it is 
possible in large congresses; 
- finally, to point out that at the very time when the Hamburg 
Congress will be held, the International Association of 
Geology will meet in Paris for its Centenary. They want to 
devote a one-day session to the applications of remote sensing 
to geology and they are anxious to avoid any overlap with our 
Commission VII sessions. It is my feeling that the scopes of 
the various working groups of the present Commission VII 
during the period 1976-1980 are such as our friends may feel 
perfectly reassured. Let us remember that the major part of 
Geologists, who are not only concerned with this single aspect 
of geology, that is this particular application of remote 
sensing, will attend the Paris congress. 
Please excuse me for having mixed here and may be during too short 
tine to be perfectly clear those remarks of so different natures. 
Thank you for your kind attention. 
Mr.chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, 
On behalf of IUFRO President Walter Liese I would like to welcome 
you at Freiburg. Unfortunately the President is not able to par- 
ticipate in your important meeting since he has to solve some 
urgent problem in connection with the first world forestry congress 
at Djakarta but Walter Liese wishes you a nice stay and a fruit- 
ful work in the capital of the Black Forest in Freiburg. For my 

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