Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

areas and channel combinations: 
Area Channels mo [Density Value] 
fl fe 5 1.29 
1 607 1.33 
2 Ho 5 2.21 
2 607 1.14 
Table 2 
When scanning, the radiation intensities are digitized in 
discrete steps of 1. From this a random minimum a-priori 
dispersion of + 1 can be estimated. The m,-values indicated 
so that a 
for the areas 1 and 2 are in the same magnitude, 
random distribution can be assumed for the residuals. From 
this follows for the examples mentioned above that th 
and that a linear dependency 
s for the 
lected funetional model fits, 
of the channels ! and 5 as well as of 6 and 7 exist 
apeas 1 and 2. Apparently, this does no more apply to the 
same channel combinations of the area 5. One obtains consid- 
erabiy higher m,-values amounting to 5.15 and 7.10. This 
yields result 1: 
In the selected example of the li-channel-LANDSAT-data the 
linear dependency can only be assumed between the channels 
I and 5 as well as between 6 and 7 for small area sections 
with relatively small data quantity. 
li. Examination of the Residuals 
Each particular residual obtained from the adjustment is 
computed according to equation (1) and subjected to a modi- 
fied Student-t-test. As test quantity is used:

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