Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

= - oc 
F7 26044 D BE Ten tly (1) 
Peas ed and r, are successive parameters belonging to 
the steps k-2, k-1, k of the process and the values n, 
denote uncorrelated (and normally distributed) random 
variables of expectation zero and arbitrary, but equal 
variance 9, 
The second order GMP (1) generates random variables P. of 
expectation zero and assymptotically constant variance: 
2,2 = on (2407) / (178°) (2) 
The covariance 9p Prt] is assymptotically time independent 
as well and depends only on the number of steps i, the 
generated variablesr, and i are seperated from each 
2 1 2 2 
Sra T Tr (1*i(1-8 )/(1*8^)) (3) 
Two typical theoretical covariance functions are shown in 
figure 1 and figure 2. 

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