Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

values and variances of the local maxima. Another computation 
technique is.the run length statistic  /1/, where the grey 
level space is segmented to assess the frequency h(i,j) of 
(1) run lengths (i.e. the number j of consecutive pixels along 
the lines) within the segments i. Some of the textural patterns 
are given in eqn. (2). 
PC =c, 2 A3) RE- C2 2^ A7) 
nt 7 (2) 
RD G2. (Z Ásj 
6D = e ZA) 
: or 
ı along 
Fig. 3: Grey level distribution along lines through a housing 
M mas area or a forest region and run length statistics 
1 mean

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