Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

Tabelle 1: 
Para- Laubhölzer Nadelhölzer 
meter alt mittelalt jung alt mittelalt jung 
X 109,05 145,77 168,45 26,56 114,17 147,49 
S 66,10 36,79 21,27 50,90 70,75 47,39 
GS 45,95 47,84 18,37 10,57 17,21 16,43 
NH 5,24 3,46 4,56 3,54 6,68 3,96 
LH 3,67 11,06 24,76 4,59 A714 7,55 
PV 60,61 25,25 12,62 139,98 61495 32,13 
Tabelle 2: 
zwischen: X | PV] es Densitogramm | Histogramm 
Lbh - Ndh + ++ + ++ ++ 
Lbh j - m - + - - = 
Lbh m - 9 * ++ + ++ ++ 
Ndh j - m * ++ - - - 
Ndh m - 8 + ++ + qb * 
Differenzierung| . 
zwischen: X PV GS Densitogramm Histogramm 
Lbh — Nah qb + - + ++ 
Lbh j-m * * - ++ - 
Lbh m;- 8 - +, - + ++ 
Ndh j - m ++ | ++ - + ++ 
Ndh m - a ++ ++ + + + 
Differenzierung| . 
zwischen: X EU GS Densitogramm Histogramm 
Lbh - Ndh ++ + + - ++ 
Lbhj-m * + + + ++ 
Lbh m - a - + + ++ ++ 
Ndh j - m ++ ++ - - ++ 
Ndh m - a ++ ++ + ++ + 
zwischen: X PV GS Densitogramm Histogramm 
Lbh - Ndh + ++ - - + 
Lbh j-m + + - ++ - 
Lbh m - 8 - * + + + 
Ndh j - m + ++ - ++ ++ 
Ndh m - 8 ++ ++ + ++ ++ 
Trennmöglichkeit: ++ gut 
+ befriedigend 
schlecht oder nicht môglich 

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