Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

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tangle by subtracting according to a defined multi-valued dif 
ference operator from a rectangle all the elementary figures 
associated with the syllables. (5). Fig. 5. 
The elementary figures selected are those shown in Fig. 3 and 
are divided in two sets of figures which are geometrically e 
qual but distinguishable one from the other for the fact that 
those in the first set are full, while those in the second a 
re empty. 
the syllables or sequences of adjacent syllables identify sets 
of significative points with respect to a description;e.g. 
ANSA i (BIGHT i): sequence of vertices which belongs to the 
same empty elementary figure. 
PUNTA i (PEAK i): sequence of vertices which belong to the sa 
me full elementary figure. 
SCALINATO (STEP-WISE): sequence of n vertices which belong al 
ternately to a full figure and to an empty figure and which 
allow the identification of the complexity of these sets in 
function of how may primitive elementary figures are required 
for their formation. 
The sets of points thus constructed define classes of convexi 
ty or concavity within the single object, these assuming diffe 
rent meanings according to the context of both the experiment 
itself and the instrument used for it. 
Thus, for example, STEP-WISE (SCALINATO) is a set which can 
represent a straight line in which vertices are included bec 
ause of the digitization. If tis happens, it will be classifi 
ed as a straight line; if it does not, that is, if some part 
of the experiment or the surveying instrument stops it happe 
ning, STEP-WISE will denote a non-rectilinear line. 
In our experiment the SCALINATO shape has to be considered as 
characteristic of the crown and not due to the A/D conversion. 
In Fig. 3 a case is shown; in Fig. 6 an italian description 
of the same object is given where the mentioned characteristic 
of the object are identified; in Fig. 7 reconstruction of the 
object and two kind of baricenters are described. 
A similar morphological analysis can be extended to the scene, 
treated as one single object. This means the possibility to i 
dentify each single object with well-defined set of parameters 
and finding out the relationship within these sets. 
Typically, it was decided in our work to explore three kinds 
of sets: (a) the baricenter of the binary figure; (b) the ba 
ricenter of the original figure; (c) the rectangle that circum 
scribes the single figure. 
The aim is that of identifying the reciprocal relationships 
the objects of the images which allow us to discriminate the 
families of objects: for example, in the case of the trees the 
distance between each one seems to be a powerfull one.

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