Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

(+ | AV V Fo noU M 
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The and mage Ground Blue Red B+G+R Combination 
i - d 
Middle-age 22 I4 I7 I5 21 
olive trees 
U.G.O. O 6 IO 27 TI 
Citrus AG 47 45 4I 27 47 
Lost U 2 2 5 = —— 
Misclassified U --— 6 --— 7 I 
Lost Citrus AG -— 2 T - -— 
Misclassified A --— O 5 20 -— 
áo —V—— 
Result obtained ap- Applying the 
plying only the first 2nd logical 
logical tree. tree. 
About the 3 Ground Right Misclass. Various Total 
examined scenes. truth class. classif. correct 
Old olive-trees IO 8 2 -- 8 
Middle-aged olive 22 2I T -— 21 
trees (B) 
Young olive-trees 8 9 = me 9 
Citrus (AG) 47 47 -- — 47 
Others 7 7 -- 3 IO 

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