Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

Requirements_for Advanced Multispectral Systems 
On the basis of desired band ranges, the requirements for ad- 
vanced satellite borne sensor technologies are 
— highground resolution (up to 20 m), 
- high geometric accuracya and 
- synoptic acquisition of large targets. 
Fig. 12 demonstrates this requirements. They are founded on re- 
sults obtanied by use of a CCD-scanner, which exists of two dimen- 
sional arrays of opto-electronic elements (i.e. CCD-chips). Such 
an experimental CCD-scanner system, develop at MBB, was still te- 
sted in a first airborne testflight by DFVLR. 
In this example a total of 7 channels is assumed to provide all 
necessary data. 
Channel 1, 2, 3 and 7 provide the basic multispectral information 
in the visible, near and far infrared part of the spectrum. These 
channels have a small bandwith and remotely adjustable center 
wavelength. The ground resolution is not higher than 40 m and can 
be reduced to 80, 160-or 320 m seperately as actually required. 
Channel 5 is not fixed in this example. He can be dedicated to 
rm specific absorption bands. 
Channel 4 provides a panchromatic high resolution (20 m) image which 
m. inly serves a target identification and reference purpose. 
Fig. 12: 
on the 
of Spectral 
Bands and 
Target Reso- 

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