Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

Bodechtel, J.;Plevin,J. 1977: Europe's Need for Better 
Information on Natural Resources and Environment, 
Boehnel, H.-J., Fischer, W., Knoll, G., 1978: Spectral Field 
Measurements for the Determination of Reflectance 
Characteristics of Grown Surfaces. - ISP-IUFRU- 
Symposium, Freiburg, July 2-8, 1978. 
ESA: European Remote Sensing Space Programme. Mission Require- 
ments Reports, IsSue 2, October 1977. 
Haydn, R. & Bodechtel, J., 1975: Eine Mäglichkeit der anwen- 
dungsbezogenen Reduktion multispektraler Daten am 
Beispiel von ERTS-1. - Raumfahrtforschung, H. 1/1975. 
MBB-ZGF: European Earth Resources Satellite ARGUS, 1977. 
Bodechtel, J., 1978: European Key Applications for Satellite 
Remote Sensing with Present Systems-Requirements 
for Operational Application. Proc. of an Intern.Conf. 
on Earth Observation from Space and Management of 
Planetary Resources, ESA SP-134), Toulouse 6-11, 
March 1978. 

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