Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

2,2 "Accuracy" 
| The considerable number of specifications brings up the question as to 
m ; whether really all parameters have a decisive influence on the spectral 
AT signatures and with what accuracy the single influencing factors must be 
indicated. Here a systematic basic research seems imperative in order to 
be able to indicate spectral object signatures with sufficent reliability. 
The problem of "accuracy" includes above all also questions of instru- 
mental and procedural accuracy which could be determined, for instance, 
by means of the following investigations: 
8 , - repetition measurements on the same object under unchanged conditions, 
- measurements under almost the same conditions but at different loca- 
16 tions of a homogeneous object, 
- measurements with different instruments on the same object, 
- measurements on the same object throughout the day, 
- etc., ete.. 
The discussion within the Working Group on the item "Reflection Termino- 
logy" is nearly concluded as far as the commitment to the REFLECTANCE 
+ FACTOR R is concerned. As to the necessary specifications, a further 
discussions seems futile as long as the effects of the single factors 
on spectral signatures have not been investigated. Therefore it is to 
or R be hoped that more often than hitherto done such investigations and 
accuracy indications be made. 
July 24th, 1978

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