Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

3-4. Growing status and spectral radiance factor 
The relation of three parameters, which show the growing 
status of the rice, and the spectral radiance factor of the 
canopy have been analyzed for the yields estimation with the remote 
sensing data. These three parameters are Leaf Area Index (LAI) 
which shows the number of leaves, a biomass which shows the amount 
of the produced organic matter, and horizontal projection area 
whcih shows the coverage rate of the rice on the ground. 
LAI is the number of leaves per unit area, where the number of 
of leaves per one sampled stump is multipled with number of the 
stumps per unit area. 
The biomass is the amount of the organic matter of rice, where 
the weight of the dried one sampled stump is multipled with 
the number of the stumps per unit area 
The horizontal projection area is the ground cover area of 
the canopy per unit area, where the area of one sampled stump's 
canopy is multipled with the number of the stumps per unit area and 
the calculation is carried with the picture of the stump taken 
The relation among these three parameters and the spectral 
radiance factor of the Infrared band (ir) are shown in Fig.3-6,- 
In Fig. 3-18, the radiance factor of the red band is also given 
The spectral radiance factor (IR) in the IR-band was used 
for the analysis of the relation between the growing status and 
those components, because the reflectance of the leave and the 
ears in the IR band (Fig. 3-2, 3-3) is not affected with the 
fertilizing status but affected by the structure of the leaves 
and the stumps. 
This relation can also be estimated through the tendency 
that the IR band is very sensitive to the change of LAI and 
the visible band is not sensitive to the chage of LAI. 
In Fig. 3-16, - 3-18, LAL and the biomass and the radiance 
factor (IR) did not show the hightest correlation but both 
showed the positive correlation. 
While H.P.A. and the (IR) had a very high correlation which 
can be expressed with the quadratic curve. The phenomenon 
to down in the (IR) when H.P.A. is low, depends on the ground 
coverage with the leaves and the phenomenon to up when H.P.A. 
is high depends on the growing status and on the leaves and ears 

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