Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

is the reflected radiance of the grey reflec- 
tance standard irradiated exactly as the target. 
RS C) is the laboratory measured spectral reflectance 
factor of the grey reflectance standard. 
In the AGRESTE project, the main object of research was 
remote sensing of rice crops, poplar afforestation and 
natural forest in order to evaluate the potential of 
this technique for making inventories of cultivated 
areas, yield prediction and disease detection. In this 
context many signature measurement campaigns have been 
performed some of which will be described in the fol- 
4.1 A joint experiment? vas made with the I S C (Istituto 
Sperimentale Cerialicoltura) in Vercelli; the spectro- 
radiometer OPTRONIC 740 has been employed for measur- 
ing the spectral reflectance factor of rice which was 
grown under greenhouse conditions in ten 40x40 cm? pots. 
The Spectroradiometer was placed on a tripod. A ver- 
tical view on the rice was possible by looking into a 
mirror placed at 45? and 50 cm above the rice pot. A 
Philips 1 kw foto flux lamp was used to increase the 
incoming irradiance in foggy days during winter time. 
The spectral reflectance factor of each rice pot was 
determined by using the technique described in section 
3.2 and equation (3). This is independent of the spec- 
trum of the lamp, of the absorption of sun irradiation 
by the glass of the greenhouse, as well as of the mir- 
ror reflectivity. 
The aim of the experiment was to obtain spectral re- 
flectance factors and their evolution related to phe- 
nological stages of rice by performing measurements 
every ten dayS during the entire growing cicle of rice. 
The scheduled periodicity of measurements could not 
be maintained. Therefore the original goal was not 
completely met. The results of the experiment were 
usefull, however, in that the temporal spectral reflec- 
tance factor evolution unespectedly revealed that two 
Classes of rice had been grown. This was discovered 
from a different exposure of pots to direct sun irra- 
diation resulting in a significant difference in rice 

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