Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

- 589 - 
- Band 940-1000 nm straddling the first absorption band 
of water which is contained in the leaves. The minimum 
of the R(A)-curve in this band shifts also in both wave- 
length and amplitude presumably caused by a superposition 
of structural cell modifications and changes of the water 
/1/ K.T. Kriebel: Reflection Terminology for Remote 
Sensing Applications. ISP + IUFRO Symposium, Freiburg, 
July 1978. 
/2/ G. Knoll: Tátigkeitsbericht zu einem Studienaufenthalt 
im EURATOM-Forschungszentrum Ispra/Italien vom O1.05.- 
31.11.1975, unpublished. 
/3/ A. Kadro: Spektrale Reflexionseigenschaften von 
Vegetationsbestánden wáhrend der Wachstumsperiode 
ISP + IUFRO Symposium, Freiburg, July 1978. 
/4/ W. Fischer: Determination of Spectral Signatures of 
Vegetated Surfaces by Radiometric Ground Measurements. 
Twelfth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of 
Environment, Manila, April 1978. 
Freiburg, July 1978

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