Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

could successfully be applied for description of the radial part of 
the function. 
For a least - squares adjustment, error equations are written as follows 
Le V4 51 (cos o); €4 * J4 Cp 
or Mi ài C1 * D. Cp = Li 
The unknown parameter c, signifies a factor, which adapts the cosine 
function to the microdefis tometer profile, whereas c, describes the 
linear part of the light fall - off as a function of the y - coordinate. 
For each image 100 error equations exist to determine the two unknowns C1 
| and C5. 
| Function l - cosa l/cosi-1 1 - cose 1/cosa-1 1 - Cos 
| el 1,0892 | 0,8665 | 0,8458 1 0,6229 | 0,7000 
| Cy 0,0019 0,0019 0,0019 0,0019 0,0019 
f = 1:5,6| m, (D) + 0,0282 | + 0,0197 | + 0,0297 1 + 0,0185 | + 0,0312 
cq 0,8822 0,6963 0,6858 0,5000 0,5683 
Co 0,0014 0,0014 0,0014 0,0014 0,0014 
f=1:8|m (D)| + 0,0193 | + 0,0203 | + 0,0195 | + 0,0210 | + 0,0198 
Table 1: Results from least - squares adjustments 
The results of the adjustment are summarized in Table 1. m, is the 
| weighted root mean square error, computed from the residuals which con- 
sequently signifies the accuracy of the procedure. Hence for f : 5,6 we get 
- 1 
D, = ( 
| - 1) 0,6229 + y 0,0019 
| COS a ) [ mm] 
and for f = 1 : 8 we get 
D - (1 - cos 0°) 0,8822 + y [mj 00014 
as the best fit. The root mean square errors of c, are all below 
+ 0,0035, those of C, are all below + 0,00006. Thére exist no correlation 
between the unknowns. 
Obviously there is a steeper light fall - off for f = 1 : 5,6 than for 
f = 1 : 8, but the difference is only about D = 0,05 at the maximum 
(a = 25 9). Even less is the difference between the particular functions: 
AD = 0,02 for f 1: 5,6 and AD = 0,015 for f.« 1: 8, both at a = 17 0. 
For many practical applications an appropriate mean function will be 

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