Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

Table 4. Summary of data acquisition by wheat growth stage and sensor system 
for Kansas 
and North Dakota test sites, 1976 
Sensor System 
Test Site/ Wheat Landsat Aircraft Helicopter Truck 
Mission Date Growth Stage MSS Scanner Spectrometer Spectrometer 
Finney Co., Kansas 
Sept. 14-17, Pre-emergence X X X 
Oct. 2-6 Emergence X X X 
Oct. 20-23 Seedling X X X 
Nov. 11-12 Tillering X X X 
March 13-19, Tillering X X X 
March 30-April 2 Tillering X X X 
April 9-10 Jointing X 
April 18-21 Jointing X X X X 
April 27-28 Jointing X 
May 4-7 Pre-boot X X X X 
May 14-16 Boot X X 
May 24-27 Heading X X 
June 2-3 Milk X 
June 11-13 Dough X X X 
June 20-21 Ripening X X 
June 29-July 2 Mature X X X X 
July 18-19 Post-harvest X 
Williams Co., North Dakota 
May 25-28 Emergence X X X 
June 3-7 Seedling X X X 
June 12-15 Seedling X X 
June 21-24 Tillering X X X X 
June 30-July 3 Jointing X X 
July 9-12 Boot X X X X 
July 18-21 Heading X X X 
July 27-30 Headed X X X 
Aug. 5-8 Milk-Dough X X X 
Aug. 14-17 Ripening X X X X 
Aug. 23-26 Mature X X X 
Sept. 1-4 Post Harvest X X X 

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