Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

As a reference for the global radiation, the measurements of 
the Institute for physical s pace Research which were taken at 
ground level during the flight campaign have been used (3, 4, 
5, 6). The spectral radiance reflected from the object can be 
computed according to the following formula: 
pk CERE silgpr ed tha. | pio LY 
ll rd wu m m 
L; ko? spectral radiance reflected from the object i for the 
PS spectral band K 
lj k* Intensity value of the object.i in the spectral band kK 
Ipp1,k = Intensity value of the black body 1 In the spectral bend K 
Ik Intensity value of the calibration lamp in the spectral band k 
Lk = spectral radiance of the calibration lamp in the spectral bend K 
k = band width of the spectral band K 
The term Ly, which depends on the density filter as well as 
on the scanspeed applied during the measurements must be 
determined through measurements in a calibration laboratory 
where the MSS scans a standardized lightsource instead of a 
real surface. For the investigations presented here, a suitable 
calibration method has been developed by G.Ress of the DFVLR 
Oberpfaffenhofen (7). As a result, a table of the spectral 
radiance of the calibration lamp for different filter positions 
and different rotation speeds of the scan mirror has been given 
3. First Results of the MSS-Signature Measurements: 
In the following, a few of the first results of signature 
measurements with the Bendix M2S will be presented. The 
measurements were performed within the framework of the German 
Remote Sensing programme (8) in July 16, 1976 in an area around 
Freiburg from flight levels of 1000 m, 2200 m and 4000 m above 
sea level.

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