Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

BONHOMME R., GUYOT G., RIOM J., 1978 - Relations existant entre la 
réflectance d'un couvert végétal et sa structure, la hauteur 
du soleil et l'angle de visée. Perspectives de modélisation 
In Earth observation from space and management of planetary 
resources. Proc. Int. Conf. Toulouse. E.S.A. SP. 134 - 319 
BREECE H.T., HOLMES R.A., 1971 - Bidirectional scattering characteristics 
of healty green soyhean and corn leaves in vivo. Appl. Opt. 
10 (1) 119-127 
BRENNAN B., BANDEEN W.R., 1970 - Anisotropic reflectance characteristics 
of natural earth surfaces. Appl. Opt. 9 (2) 405-412 
BUNNIK N.J.J., VERHOEF W., 1974 - The spectral directional reflectance 
of agricultural crops. Niwars Publication n? 23 123 p. 
BUNNIK N.J.J., 1978 - The multispectral reflectance of short wave 
radiation by agricultural crops in relation with their 
morphological an optical properties. Meded. Landbouw- 
hogeschool Wageningen 78-1. 176 p. 
EGBERT D.D., ULABY F.T., 1972 - Effect of angles on reflectivity Photogram. 
Engng 38 (6) 556-564 
GURNADE J.C., BONHOMME R., GUYOT G., MALET Ph., 1978 - Variation de la 
structure d'un couvert végétal en fonction de son état 
physiologique : utilisation possible de la télédétection. 
Proc. Int. Symp. I.S.P. - IUFRO Freiburg in Br. 2-8 July 1978 
HILDEBRANDT G., 1976 - Die spektralen Reflexions eigenschaften der 
Vegetation. Proc. XVI IUFRO World Congress Oslo. 9-22 
HOWARD J.A., 1971 - Luminance an luminous intensity indicatrices of 
isobilateral leaves. Appl. Opt. 10 (10) 2354-2360 
KADRO A., FISCHER W., 1976 - Neue Ergebnisse von Reflexions. Messungen 
in situ an Vegeationsbestünden. Proc. XVI IUFRO Congress 
Oslo 23-35 
KNIPLING E.B., 1970 - Physical an physiological basis for the reflectance 
of visible and near infrared radiation from vegetation. 
Remote Sensing of Environment 1. 155-159

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