Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

1 The area correctly interpreted as percentage of the total newly 
built-up area 
2 The area 'overlooked' as percentage of the total newly built-up 
3 The area 'wrongly included' as percentage of the total newly 
built-up area 
4 Total number of areas 'overlooked' or 'wrongly included’ 
5 Area indicated as newly built-up as a percentage of total 
newly built-up area 
6 Area indicated as newly built-up in ha. 
Interpreter 4 4 4 4 à ie 
1 96 4 4 | 17 100 48 
. 95 5 19 )0 47 
3 95 : 1 29 TT 
4 94 6 | 4 99 Af 
5 93 ( 11 > 105 50 
6 93 [ 3 1 97 4T 
7 92 8 0 0 )1 14 
8 90 ( 19 )3 45 
90 10 4 > 94 45 
10 89 11 6 22 93 44 
11 87 13 j 18 89 43 
Average 92 8 4 20 96 46 
highest 96 13 11 24 105 50 
lowest 87 4 0 17 89 43 
TABLE 2: The standard interpretation shows 48 ha of newly built-up 
area. Individual interpreters are compared with this 
standard interpretation. 
Interpreters are ranked according to the area they inter- 
preted correctly (column 1).

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