Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

The color film (Ektachrome MS Aerographic 2448 diapositive film) was 
underexposed 2-3 stops, followed by special processing (Hansaluftbild 
procedure). As claimed by Winkelmann (1977), this procedure is appropriate 
for bad weather and winter, and gives better results in practice than 
Le comparable black-and-white film. Interpretation was done monoscopically 
r by a first-time interpreter on the film originals (diapositives) with a 
magnifying glass, using an overhead projector as a light-table. Only in 
this way would sufficient light be transmitted by the diapositives to 
ame). permit an easy and reliable identification of cars. This set-up produced 
& X-mas tree effect: all cars showed up brilliantly against the relatively 
dull background of streets, roofs and green areas. 
te From the black-and-white negative film, normal positive prints were made. 
The plotting was done on maps, scale 1:2500, which took 15 hours from the 
= black-and-white prints, and 11 hours from the color diapositives. Both 
interpretations were highly reliable and provided a complete coverage of 
all cars parked in the open air in the 2 km2 area. 
The more than 25% saving in interpretation time by using color material 
3 was not surprising, as color really makes car identification much easier. 
pam ip 
Photo 2: Part (1%) of 23 cm format vertical photograph, 
enlarged 5x, scale 1:1000

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