Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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vegetation, into a total of fifty eight sub units. 
Four categories of open space have been distinguished in 
terms of vegetation coverage and maintenance: 
Category 1 : Unvegetated/hardly landscaped open spaces 
slabs, concretes, asphalts, sands, gravel, 
bare soils etc. 
Category 2 : Unmanaged or semi-managed (limited management) 
selfmaintained vegetation growth 
not well cut grasses, rough grasses, natural 
looking landscapes overrun by heaths, shrubs, 
scrub and potential woodlands, etc. 
Category 3 : Managed vegetation (high grade maintenance) 
carpet lawns well cut, architectural hedges, 
symmetrical flowerbeds, young healthy trees 
ranged in avenues and other ornamental masses. 
Category 4 : Poorly maintained vegetation/poor vegetation 
overused or damaged lawns used as amenity 
greens and pitches, scattered semi-established 
or established vegetation on bare soils or 
eroded sites, any diseased or damaged vegetation 
and woods. 
Familiar types of open space on the ground, such as a golf 
course or a soccer pitch, where the vegetation coverage varies 
in terms of maintenance, have been used as a key to identify 
and classify other types of open space management. Well cut 
areas of grass as the "greens" in the golf courses, expose 
a purple hue variation. The "sands" expose a white or white 
bluish variation.  "Hummocks" expose a blue variation changing 
to reddish purple or purple towards the periphery, because 
of the appearance of undisturbed organic top soil in the middle 
with some scattered overused grass cover, changing to a uniform 
well managed grass cover towards the periphery. The "gorse" 
areas expose red, light red, and dark green variations as they 
are covered with self-maintained vegetation growth as rough 
grass, shrubs and heaths. 
On the black and white photography the range of colour (tonal) 
variation is very much less, and textural differences are more 
important in identifying the surface appearance. The effect of 
this lack of surface distinction on the black and white photo- 
graphy confirms that it is a much less sensitive indicator of 
vegetation differences. 
Figure 3 shows the three enumeration districts selected as 
the sample area for this study. These three districts vary 
widely in many respects, particularly in housing type and 
Socio economic class of the population.

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