Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

Evaluation was carried out by questionnaire to five 'eminent' British 
ecologists. Average values (maximum 50) and Standard Deviations are given. 
Habitats Average Standard Ratio 
Ecologists' | Deviation 
1. Coniferous woodland 20 2.45 8.16 
2. Deciduous woodland 43 3.03 14.19 
Ratio 3. Mixed woodland 39 3.00 13.00 
— 4. Sand Dunes 41 5.00 8.2 
5. Salt marsh 41 3.46 11.8 
6. Water bodies 42 3.08 13.6 
7. Heathland 41 5.38 7.6 
16.5 8. Unimproved mossland 42 3.0 14.0 
12.7 9. Scrub 36 2.64 13.6 
11.8 10. Rough grassland 28 3.03 9.2 
4.2 ll. Agricultural land .— 20 3.46 6.3 
5.3 12. Allotments, Cemeteries, etc., 26 4.36 6.0 
5.5 13. Managed grassland 16 2.97 5.38 
5.4 14. Developed land 9 0.89 10.1 
1.4 15. Residential areas and large gardens 23 4.15 5.5 
10.6 Variables Ecologists' 
16.5 Values 
4.6 16. Hedge length 42 
11.2 17. Coast length * 
16.7 18. Stream length 42 
17.3 19. Woodland edge 42 
4.4 20. Scrub edge * 
6.8 21. Number of water bodies * 
6.8 22. Number of Habitats > 
* No values given. 

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